That’s Hot – Dual Flush Toilets

When one decides that the time has come to spruce up the old abode, it is important that you choose features that are not only easy on the eyes, but that also incorporate “green” solutions. One area of the home where we’re seeing homeowners think green is the bathroom. Over the past few months, many of our bathroom remodels have included the addition of a dual flush toilet. The dual flush toilet has been a fixture in both European and Asian bathrooms for many years, but has only recently gained popularity in the States.


Below are the top 3 benefits a dual flush toilet could bring your home…


#1 Save Water & Money: Did you know most toilets use 3.5 gallons of water per flush? Not only is this costly for large families, but it is extremely wasteful as well. A dual flush toilet uses no more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush, thus reducing the water usage by nearly two gallons. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a homeowner that uses these fixtures can save 4,000 gallons of water annually.


#2 Fewer Clogs: The flush pressure on these toilets is so powerful that they are capable of flushing 350 grams of waste at a time. Also, the trap ways are larger, reducing buildup and causing fewer clogs.


#3 Sleek Design: As you can see, these toilets offer a slew of different advantages; however, their sleek, stylish look may be the biggest attraction. Their clean lines and simple design allow them to fit perfectly into any bathroom regardless of the décor.


Want to know more about these innovative toilets? Give RIGGS a call today! We offer superior design, planning and remodeling solutions that are second to none. Drop us a line or visit us on line 24/7 at