An Estimate vs. Quote

As leaders in the home remodeling arena, we feel it is our duty to educate the public on any potential remodeling scams that may be going on in the community. There is a slew of what we call, “fly by night” contractors floating around our neighborhoods. Their mission is simple: to make a quick buck—no matter what!   Many of…

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Historic Homes and Districts in the St. Louis Area

Many people don’t want to be in an historic district or even have their home become a historic structure because they fear having restrictions levied on what they can and cannot do to their own property.  To live in a home that was built over fifty years ago or has a connection with someone of historical importance (George Washington slept…

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Post-New-Ordinance Remodeling in Kirkwood

It’s old news now, but in 2007-08 the firestorm over infill housing was at its peak and had the city of Kirkwood divided on how to handle its citizens’ concerns.  Those who didn’t want any new development in Kirkwood were in favor of ordinances so strict, no one could build anything.  Those against it wanted to “leave well enough alone”. …

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