Kirkwood Landmarks Commission

I used to call it the “Hysterical” Board of Commissioners before I was asked to be on the Landmarks Commission in Kirkwood.I’m in my fourth year and that opinion has changed dramatically.RIGGS Company & Design is a remodeling company after all; we change the appearance of our client’s homes!How dare the “hysterical” board tell me or my client that they…

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Tom the Plow Man

I have a lawn tractor with a snow plow attachment. At 4:00 AM this morning I was driving down the street toward my office to plow the parking lots because I’m too cheap to pay the outlandish prices the plow guys get. Done by 5:30, I headed home to do my own drive and walks, so I didn’t get into…

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What I’ve Learned from my Dog, Nelly

My dog and I walk the city of Kirkwood twice a day. She’s a year and a half old and we’ve been doing it since the first day she came home with us. I don’t put her on a leash because she can get five times the exercise running around as she can if she were at heel.   People…

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Welcome to Riggs’ Blog

Welcome to the RIGGS Company & Design Blog!   With the launching of our new web site comes this new feature, our remodeling blog.   We hope this blog will be entertaining, informative and read by all of our clients, future clients and anyone who is interested in remodeling.  I’ll be writing many of the blogs but I’ll also bring…

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