Sticking to a Remodeling Budget

No matter the project, budgeting is at the heart of every home remodel. Sure you want the best remodel money can buy, but the fact is most people want to know how much their next project is going to cost, without the “last minute surprises.”   At RIGGS, we determine costs upfront through a thorough design and selections process, before…

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Finding “Green” Among Homeowners

Kermit the Frog said it best with “it’s not easy being green.” And if you ask homeowners they might agree. According to a recent survey when asked about having a green home, 74 percent of consumers believe that less than a quarter of their home can be considered green – a number which can’t have many excited about their upcoming…

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Where Do Homeowners Entertain on The Fourth?

Happy Fourth of July! At RIGGS this is one of our favorite holidays of the year. We love getting the family together, cooking a great big dinner and walking to the park to watch fireworks. We know that most other families have similar rituals with homemade ice cream, sparklers, and plenty of red, white and blue.   This year if…

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The First Steps After Storm Damage

We have had some severe weather in St. Louis this Spring, bringing hail, heavy rains, winds and even tornados. Speaking with a few of our friends in the insurance industry, they tell us they are inundated with claims of storm damage.   Since storm damage is not something most prepare for, there is a huge range of emotions you can…

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The Importance of Maintaining Your Home

Home repairs and regular maintenance can seem like a pain in the…you know what! But those small Saturday afternoon projects are more important than you may think and will have a lasting effect on the future of your home.   Houses, while strong and sturdy, need continued care to stay that way. When a leak starts it will continue to…

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St. Louis Turning for Outdoor Coverage

One of our favorite “rooms” to work with isn’t a room at all; in fact it’s not even inside of the house. That’s because it is your “outdoor room,” or better defined as the space outside of your home including the patio space, the front porch or an area within your yard.   Why are we talking about outdoor space?…

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The St. Louis Market’s Ready for Home Renovations

Remember those wavy looking pictures with the hidden 3D images? Well if you don’t, they were called stereographs and were very popular in the 90’s. Besides from the strain of unfocusing your eyes, the background picture was usually not easy to spot. The challenging part was the picture was right in front of you, but seemingly impossible to see.  …

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Happy Holidays!

It’s the week between Christmas and New Year’s and you would think that the remodeling industry in St. Louis, like everywhere else, would be moving at a snails pace.  Who would be calling to schedule appointments the weeks before and after Christmas?  Apparently, everyone!  Last week we had six requests and so far this week (it’s only Tuesday afternoon) we’ve…

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Clients and Remodeling

The backbone of any business is your client.  All businesses have the same clients because there are only so many people out there and in essence, we all provide to the same people in some form or another.   But for every business, the client takes on a different personality based on their need and what they are buying.   When…

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The Bathroom in the Home Remix Equation

Remodeling the existing space inside a home has become a very popular method of upgrading our client’s lifestyle.  The baby boomers, especially in this economy, have decided that they want better, not bigger and that means improving what they have, not adding to it.  The number one desire of most of these clients is what we call a Master Retreat…

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