That’s Hot: Smart Divide Sinks

As leaders in the St. Louis home remodeling arena, we field questions regularly from clients, potential clients and people who are just interested in the world of remodeling. One of the most common questions people pose is: “what is the ‘hottest’ fixture/appliance on the market today?” Over the past few months, many of our kitchen remodels have included the addition of specialty divide sinks. Our personal favorite divide sink would have to be the Indio® by Kohler.


So what makes the Indio® our favorite, you ask? Smart Divide Sink


#1 Flexibility: One of the major cons of a normal divided sink is that sometimes washing large pots and pans can be challenging. The great thing about the Indio® smart divide sink is that it has a large bowl for your bigger items and a medium bowl for your everyday dishes. Truly the best of both worlds!


#2 Color Choices:  In the past, cast iron sinks were only available in neutral colors. The Indio® is available in everything from black to vibrant reds and blues. This sink will not only make kitchen life easier, but will add a nice punch of color to the room.


#3 Cast Iron or Stainless: If you thought the Indio® only came in cast iron, think again! If you are a lover of all things stainless steel—don’t worry. The smart divide sink comes in stainless steel, too. Its versatility and good looks make it a perfect solution for virtually any household.


#4 Added Bonus: Wait—there is more! Aside from the flexible design, color choices and style, the Indio® also comes with: two bottom basin racks, walnut cutting board, and colander. Pretty cool, huh?


Want to know more about these innovative smart divide sinks? Give RIGGS a call today! We offer superior design, planning and remodeling solutions that are second to none. Drop us a line or visit us online 24/7 at