The 21st Century Home: USB Outlets

Technology is a funny thing, isn’t it? You never realize how important certain things are such as a cell phone, laptop or an iPad until they are out of our reach. At RIGGS Company & Design, our team of professionals is always coming up with innovative designs to fully accommodate the needs of the 21st century homeowner. USB-WallOutlets


Have you ever missed an important call while you were in bed because your phone was charging in the other room? Do you feel like your phone is never conveniently available while at home? In the world of electronic devices, finding an available outlet can be a challenge! To resolve this dilemma, RIGGS Company & Design has started to install USB outlets directly into the walls, offering convenient phone and tablet charging locations while saving precious outlets.


Whether you like to charge your phone at the breakfast nook in the kitchen or the nightstand next your bed—we can install a USB port directly into the wall so your favorite gadget will always be where you tend to spend most of your time.


Picture this: you are sitting in bed working on your laptop while both your cell phone and your significant other’s phone is charging too… and you aren’t taking up each outlet! The beauty of having a USB port in the wall is that you can charge your phone without having to unplug other devices.


So what do you think? Are you ready to create your 21st century home? We can help!  We offer superior design, planning and remodeling solutions that are second to none. Drop us a line or visit us online 24/7 at